State Policies Vary Widely.
Check Your State to See if Action is Needed.

Campaign Success
Progress Achieved by Campaign
Favorable State Protocols in Place
Some Action Needed: Partial Protocols in Place
Action Needed: No Protocols in Place
Campaign Success
Progress Achieved by Campaign
Favorable State Protocols in Place
Some Action Needed: Partial Protocols in Place
Action Needed: No Protocols in Place

Because of the Get Ahead of Stroke® campaign’s extraordinary success, 41 states now have (or are finalizing) regional or statewide protocols that ensure patients experiencing a critical stroke such as ELVO are transported directly to Level 1 stroke centers.

Along with successfully updating individual statewide EMS protocols for stroke, the Get Ahead of Stroke® campaign also helped secure language within Version 3.0 of the National Model EMS Clinical Guidelines that were released in March 2022 by the National Association of State EMS Officials (NASEMSO). The updated guidelines include guidance for identifying a stroke patient with a suspected ELVO and immediately transporting the patient to a Level 1 stroke center for the most appropriate care.

While this is great improvement, half the states still lack statewide EMS protocols to effectively transport critical stroke patients to Level 1 stroke centers staffed by highly trained neurointerventional care teams who can provide care 24/7/365. The Get Ahead of Stroke® campaign will continue its work to change that. We want patients to access appropriate care right away.