Camille Jewell at or 202-248-5460

Stroke Awareness Month 2022: Calling 911 at Symptom Onset is Crucial  

Americans urged to contact local EMS to ensure proper stroke assessment, triage and transport


FAIRFAX, Va. — Call 911 when you or a loved one exhibits signs of stroke. That’s the message from the Get Ahead of Stroke® campaign as Stroke Awareness Month kicks off this week.

Stroke is the leading cause of brain-related deaths in the U.S. and not calling an ambulance immediately can be the difference between a life of recovery, versus a life facing disability. More than 795,000 Americans have a stroke each year, with many survivors facing life-altering disabilities. However, a minimally invasive neuroendovascular stroke surgery called thrombectomy improves the chances that a patient will not only survive a severe stroke but make a full recovery — an outcome that was less likely before the procedure emerged a little more than a decade ago.

Performed by specially trained neurointerventionalists, thrombectomy uses a catheter to reopen blocked arteries in the brain. This procedure reduces recovery time, getting patients back on their feet so they may live independently and work again.

The key to the best outcome for stroke patients is time. Quick access to appropriate care is essential, since stroke patients lose up to 2 million cells per minute that the brain is deprived of oxygen. However, not all states have updated stroke triage and treatment protocols to ensure these severe stroke patients are assessed on-site and taken to a Level 1 stroke center. Instead, they are taken to the closest facility, costing time and potential for a full recovery.

“Getting trained professionals on the scene is crucial. If you take your loved one in your car to the nearest hospital, you could be transporting them to a facility that isn’t equipped to deal with severe strokes, while also missing the opportunity for in-transport triage and treatment. Every minute of delay reduces a stroke patient’s chance of a full recovery,” said SNIS President Michael Chen, MD.

Research shows that stroke patients gain a week of healthy life for every minute that is saved in getting them to appropriate care. In addition, for every minute saved in transfer to the appropriate care, there is $1,000 in savings on medical costs for short- and long-term care.

Advocates with the Get Ahead of Stroke® campaign are working to drive legislative changes across the country to require EMS to bring stroke patients to the best hospital for their needs.

During Stroke Awareness Month, help your audience better understand the life-saving importance of appropriate stroke triage, transport and treatment. To coordinate interviews with leading stroke surgeons, patients and advocates, please contact Camille Jewell at

Get Ahead of Stroke® is a national public education and advocacy campaign designed to improve systems of care for stroke patients. Founded in 2016 by the Society of NeuroInterventional Surgery (SNIS), today the campaign is supported by a coalition of organizations with the goal of securing the best possible outcomes for stroke patients by driving policy change and public awareness nationwide. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.